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Club Development


our club today

  • • Over 50 Underage Football, Hurling, Ladies Football & Camogie teams
  • • Over 10 Adult Football, Hurling and Ladies Football Teams
  • • Over 200 voluntary Committee members and Team mentors
  • • A Members Lounge, Kitchen & Bar (fully licensed)
  • • A Sports Hall (standard basketball court size) & stage
  • • Gym fully equipped
  • • 4 Dressing rooms
  •   2 Meeting rooms 
  •   Indoor Hurling alley 


What does the future hold for Midleton GAA Club?

Although the existing Club facilities have served the Community well over the last 40 years they are now seriously over-used and in need of enhancement. This may be attributed to the fact that the number of inhabitants in the area has grown significantly since 1970. The time has now come for us to take steps to upgrade our facilities and to ask ourselves: “What will be our legacy to the future generations of children and families who live in the Community”?

What will the proposed development project consist of?

Midleton is about to embark upon an ambitious development project to ensure its continued position as one of the best Sporting clubs in the Community. As “access to” and “use of” all of the Club’s existing facilities must be maintained throughout the redevelopment project, the Club has decided to undertake all works on a phased basis. The immediate objectives may be summarised as follows:


Park South Development

Site Procurement & Project Outline 

After many fruitless years attempting to secure extra land for the club Midleton GAA finally succeeded in their quest when, on the 21st September 2016, following a local auction, the club agreed to purchase c.37 acres from Pernod Ricard / Irish Distillers Ltd who had just purchased the entire lot of c.140 acres at auction. The land is located at Park South on the Youghal Road on the perimeter of Midleton town. At auction the property for sale was divided into 5 separate lots with individual bids for each lot being considered before being put to the floor for an overall bid. Eventually, after two rounds of bids Pernod Ricard/Irish Distillers Ltd. were successful in acquiring the property. The Distillery then kept what portion of the property they required for future development and went into negotiations with local interested parties for the remainder. These negotiations were conclude very quickly and successfully as there was no conflict between the parties over the boundaries of the remaining property.

The cost of purchasing the property for the club was €380,000. In addition to this legal and engineering fees will also be incurred as we prepare to lodge a planning application with the Cork County Council.  Decisions will have to be taken at a club level to decide what and when any future developments in the club will take place.


In terms of location this land is ideally situated to facilitate the expansion of the playing facilities for Midleton GAA club and its sister organisations of Midleton Camogie and Ladies football clubs. The grounds are also ideally accessible to all the local schools who we envisage will also use the facilities to play our national games. With the daily attendance at these schools of approximately 5,000 students, from all over East Cork, this facility will become a ‘school of excellence’ for any pupils who wish to avail of the facilities. It is closer to the centre of town than our current location as the crow flies. The new location is capable of coping with the demand for facilities that has grown dramatically over the last ten years and more importantly will allow the Clubs to capitalise on the continued rapid growth of Midleton planned over the next ten years.

In order to secure the best possible facilities the club will be undertaking many major fundraising ventures over the coming years to supplement existing fund raising.

The club will also be applying to the Government/Capital Grants/National Lottery for financial assistance for this project. The club has not applied for grant aid for any recent capital projects but will be applying for the next round of grants once planning permission has been granted for this site. As the land is currently zoned for ‘amenity’ use and is mentioned in the current County development plan as being ideal for use by Midleton GAA club we do not envisage any major obstacles in obtaining planning permission on the site. We are of course acutely aware of our social obligations to our neighbours and will work closely with these to ensure the best results for all concerned.

The Development Committee

The Development Committee is charged with overseeing the development of the new facility. The Development Committee is a sub-committee of the Club Executive Committee. The membership includes a chairman, a secretary and representation from the club with expertise in law, finance and sport.

Works to date

Initial layout plans for the overall site development have been prepared. This has been carried out by CEA Engineers & Architects. The proposal while in its infancy has been outlined to the club members to gain support at all levels through the club.

Contracts have been prepared in conjunction our club solicitor Ken Murray & Co. and have been duly signed granting full ownership to Midleton GAA.

CEA Engineers & Architects have now progressed the initial design proposal and have lodged the planning application with Cork County Council on the 6th December 2017.

The overall development comprises of;

(1)        Construction of a club house consisting of changing rooms, referee room, plant & storage areas, toilets, indoor multi - use space and ancillary accommodation;

(2)        Construction of a ‘Ball wall’ training facility;

(3)        Construction of 1 no. multi-use synthetic pitch fully fenced and 4 no. playing grass           pitches;

(4)        Provision of a parking area and access road;

(5)        Modification of existing site entrance;

(6)        Construction of fencing for electricity generator;

(7)        Construction of walking trail;

(8)        Construction of ball catching posts & nets, floodlights to sports pitches;

(9)        Construction of storm water soakpits, waste water treatment and pumping unit, connection to public mains and public foul services;

(10)      Signage on entrance wall and on buildings;

(11)      Change of use of existing agriculture shed to storage shed including partial demolition and alterations;

(12)      All ancillary works to the above.




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