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Davy Hogan Street Leagues 2021

Midleton GAA Davy Hogan Street League Competition

Each year the Fé10 and Fé11 boys from Midleton GAA compete in the Midleton Street Leagues for the Davy Hogan Trophy. This is one of the first introductions to competitive action for these players with all players divided into 6 even teams. The cup is named after former Midleton player and coach Davy Hogan, who passed away at the young age of 42 in April 1987. Davy Hogan was heavily involved in the Street Leagues in Midleton during the eighties and along with fellow magpies Pat Fox (RIP) and Tom Savage (RIP) spent much of their spare time in Elsinore coaching the young magpies of the future. It is thanks to people like Davy Hogan that the Midleton Street League tradition continues, helping to develop the next generation of Midleton magpies.

Fixtures for 2021


Final Round of Games & Final

Saturday saw the final round game and the final of the Davy Hogan Street Leagues. This year’s competition has been a great success and our Fé10 & Fé11 players will gain enormously from the experience. Based on the results of the games in rounds 1 to 5 the final was contested by Forkums and Owenacurra. The final was a competitive affair with Forkums eventually prevailing.

Congratulations to Forkums and well done to all the other teams. Great credit is due to the competition organisers, team coaches, referees, the piper Olan McCarthy and to Andrew Foley for taking so many professional photographs and making them available on




Sons of Rest


St Endas

Current Table

Week 2 Games - 1st September 2021

Week 1 Games - Wed 25th Aug

The Davy Hogan Street Leagues 2021 kicked off at our new facility in Park South on Wednesday evening with the eagerly awaited first series of matches taking place. With Park South looking resplendent in the evening sunshine the buzz of excitement amongst all players, coaches and parents was palpable as we approached throw in time.The competition returned to its old format this year with all teams each playing two games on the night . The top two teams will then play in the final on Saturday September 11th in Clonmult Park. There was some fantastic hurling and teamwork on display across all the teams from our young magpies, with those silky skills being practiced at training and at home very evident to all those watching. A massive well done to the coaches of all the groups involved for their ongoing dedication. Thanks to all those who helped in the preparation and organisation of the competition over the last few weeks. Thanks also to Colin Sunderland and Brion Saunderson who were our referees on the day.

Panels for 2021




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