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Latest News

Latest as of May 2021 on Park South

Planning Permission Granted for our New Development - 
We are very excited to announce that we have received Planning permission within the last week for our New Development at Park South, Youghal Rd.
This major development will greatly improve our playing facilities for our existing members and also allow us to cater for the future generations of hurlers, footballers and camogie players to come. A lot of work has been done behind the scenes for many years and we are now very excited to share our good news with our community.
Over the past 30 / 40 Years many attempts were made at acquiring land but unfortunately for various reasons they all fell through, we now have a site which is equi distant from the Town centre as our existing Clonmult Memorial Park site. In time this Community driven project will have a 1mile walkway loop facilitating the health and well-being of those within the wider community through all year round participation in physical activity.

Phase 1 of the development costing approx €750,000 will feature an entrance, car parking area and 3 pitches, one which will include Flood Lighting.

The club purchased its current location at Clonmult Memorial Park in 1958. Our current facility, comprising of only one playing pitch, is widely recognised as one of the best facilities in the country. With the population of the greater Midleton area set to increase to over 20,000 in the next 10 years the need for extra land was paramount and was a major focus of the club’s membership. The club is grateful to the local schools for sharing their facilities as without this cooperation we could not function.
The launch of the club’s 5 year Development Plan 2015-2020 was another exciting chapter in the history of the Club. The fact that this is a now collaborative effort after we established our ONE CLUB between the Adult , Juvenile, Camogie & Ladies Football Club's makes this one of the most exciting and progressive events in the club’s history and bodes well for the future.
Finally congrats and well done to all those in the Facilities Committee who were behind the project led by Chairman Alan Donegan, Liam Ryan, Seamus Murphy, Vincent Reddy, Liam Wade, Gerald Fitzgerald, Sean Corcoran, Jim Cagney, Coleman Quirke and John Fenton who has been hugely active for years trying to reach this end goal.
Exciting times ahead .......................... Up the Mapies !

Check out the VIDEO HERE


Planning Application 4th December 2017 
After many months of meetings and deliberations Corcoran Engineers and Architects (CEA) lodged our planning application for the development of the lands at the Youghal Rd.
Permission has been sought for (1) Construction of a club house consisting of changing rooms, referee room, plant & storage areas, toilets, indoor multi use space and ancillary accommodation, (2) construction of a Ball Wall training facility, (3) construction of 1no. multi use synthetic pitch fully fenced and 4 no. playing grass pitches, (4) provision of a parking area and access road, (5) modification of existing site entrance, (6) construction of fencing for electricity generator, (7) construction of walking trail, (8) construction of ball catching posts & nets, floodlights to sports pitches, (9) construction of storm water soak pits, waste water treatment and pumping unit, connection to public mains and public foul services, (10) signage on entrance wall and on buildings, (11) change of use of existing agriculture shed to storage shed including partial demolition and alterations, (12) all ancillary works to the above, all in the townland of Park South at Youghal Rd, Midleton, Co. Cork.

Youghal Rd Land Contract Signed 6th June 2017

Midleton Hurling & Football Club are delighted to announce that on Tuesday last the 6th of June we signed the final contract to purchase 36.7 acres at Youghal Rd, Midleton at a cost of €380,000.

This is the first step to put a modern day sports campus in place - a facility that will sustain us for many years to come.

Our current pitch was purchased in 1958, officially opened in 1962, the Club Pavilion was constructed in 1975 and over the years it has served us extremely well.
In its day, it was the envy of a lot of Clubs in the County and while our grounds remain popular, it is under extreme pressure to contain all of the demands placed on it. 

Back in the early days we only had a number of Adult teams and a fledgling Juvenile section. Today we still have all our Adult hurling & football teams, a very vibrant Juvenile club, a well-established Ladies Football club and a new Camogie club fielding teams in all age groups. 
In total our Membership has now reached 900 and is increasing annually, needless to say, as a result of this we have urgently needed to increase our playing space.

Midleton Hurling and Football , Juvenile, Ladies Football and Camogie Club’s now have the task of driving the fundraising for future development.

It is our hope to garner the support of our members and the wider community to support this.

Many thanks to all those who have contributed their time, ideas and experience in the lead up to this purchase.

An open meeting for MEMBERS of the Hurling & Football Club to discuss our future development plans will take place in the Club Hall on Thursday 22nd of June @ 8pm.
We look forward to welcoming you there.  

Left to right standing are Coleman Quirke (PRO), Liam Ryan ( H & F Chairman), Michael Franklin (Secretary) & Alan Donegan (Facilities Chairman), seated are Linda O' Shea (Solicitor) & Ken Murray (Solicitor). Missing John Fenton (Treasurer).   



Field & Roof Maintenance - 14th November 2016
Work on re sodding the goalmouths, verti draining and sanding of the field will start as soon as weather permits. As soon as this work commences the field will be closed to all activities until next March to allow the sods to blend in.
Work on a new roof in the Pavilion will also start this coming week and people will need to be aware of this when visiting the club.  

Extraordinary General Meeting
On Monday evening 19th September 2016 Midleton Hurling and Football Club held a Special General Meeting for members to seek to purchase land for the club.
Alan Donegan (Facilities Chairman) and John Fenton (Club Treasurer and driving force behind the purchase) presented details of the land along with financing plans. The result of a vote taken on the night was an overwhelming show of support for the purchase.
On Wednesday 21st September following a public auction at the Midleton Park Hotel, our club was successful in purchasing 36.78 acres of land at the Youghal Road.
The land is of sufficient size to accommodate four full sized pitches along with ample car parking. This is a momentous step forward for Midleton GAA and follows over thirty years of efforts to find and purchase a suitable site.
Midleton Hurling and Football , Juvenile, Ladies Football and Camogie Club’s now have the task of driving the funding for future development.
It is our hope to garner the support of the community to support this development which should cater for the future of our children and their children for the foreseeable future.
Many thanks to all those who have contributed their time, ideas and experience in the lead up to this purchase.
Further details to follow.



Recent Hall & Lounge Decorating Works completed

Midleton Concert Band Christmas Concert in the Hall


Midleton GAA 5 Year Development Plan Launch

12 April 2015

Last Friday evening a great crowd turned out in the Club where the Development Plan Steering Committee officially launched the Final draft of our Club Plan.

Before these proceedings took place the recent refurbishment of the Lounge was acknowledged by Pavillion Chairman Alan Donegan who called on long serving Bar person Doris O’Regan to cut the tape. 
Chairman of the Steering Committee Mark Walsh acted as MC on the night, a brief presentation of the Club Plan was outlined initially. This was followed by an address from each of the Chairperson of the three Clubs , Liam Ryan Hurling & Football, Paddy Corcoran of the Ladies Football and Denis Kelleher of the Camogie Club. Liam Ryan then presented our Club President Monsignor Gould with the first copy of the Plan. Michael Byrne Development Officer of the County Board congratulated the Club for bringing the Plan to fruition and wished everybody well with its implementation. A presentation was made to the Steering Committee Chairman Mark Walsh to acknowledge the great leadership he showed throughout the process. Copies of the Plan were distributed to all the attendee’s and afterwards a special cake to mark the night was cut and food from the Boston Diner was enjoyed by all.   




08 April, 2015


On Friday next the 10th of April the Development Plan Steering Committee of the Club Chaired by Mark Walsh will officially launch the Final Draft of our Club Plan.

The many hours of hard work carried out by members of the Hurling & Football, Ladies Football & Camogie Clubs has finally come to fruition and will be available in document form on the night. 

The launch will take place at 8pm in the Club Lounge with club members, Open night attendees, Focus Group participants and invited guests all welcome to attend.

Also on the night Pavilion Chairman Alan Donegan will oversee the opening of the newly refurbished Club Lounge and throughput the evening light refreshments and finger food will be served. 

The 5 Year Development Plan can be Downloaded HERE


5 Year Club Development Plan 26 March 2015

Last Thursday evening the Chairman of the Steering Committee Mark Walsh presented the final draft of our Club Plan to the executives of the Hurling & Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Clubs. Afterwards each of the Clubs unanimously accepted the proposal and wished the Steering Committee well with the final Launch.
Chairpersons Liam Ryan, Paddy Corcoran and Denis Kelleher all congratulated the Steeering Committee for their wonderful work and commitment in bringing this Plan to fruition. The Plan will be formally launched on Friday the 10th of April at 8pm in the Club Lounge with club members and all contributors welcome to attend.
Further details on the night will follow shortly.           


Development plan focus group meetings

26 February 2015

Over the past three Wednesday evenings the five Focus Groups met to discuss and evaluate all the information gathered at the open Meeting. On average 60 people attended each session. Group Leaders, Chairpersons and Scriptors were appointed to each group.  Mark Walsh Chairman of the Steering Committee facilitated the meeting each evening. 

The 5 Focus Areas were:
–Coaching and Games Development (Chairman Cormac Quirke)
–Finance and Fundraising (Chairman John Fenton)
–Structures and Admin (Chairperson Mairead Beausang)
–Facilities and Development (Chairman Vincent Reddy)  
–Communication, PR and Culture (Chairman Coleman Quirke)

Three Meetings:
Feb 11th  -  8.00pm to 9.30pm
Feb 18th  -  8.00pm to 9.15pm
Feb 25th  -  8.00pm to 9.15pm

Each Focus Group was tasked with agreeing a Draft Action Plan for their Focus Area
A set of clear high level proposed actions (10 to 20)
An outcome statement for each action
A series of milestones (steps) needed to complete the action
A suggested target date for action completion
Suggested owner (individual or group) for each action

Week 1: Introduction, Select Team Leaders (and scribe), Review lists and reduce/combine/refine
Week 2: Prioritise (rating system and discussion), Agree top 10 to 20 initiatives
Week 3: Complete the Action Tracker

Role of Team Leaders
Facilitate/Lead the FG meetings – encourage participation, ideas, respect, etc
Ensure everyone is heard but no-one dominates
Capture the output of the FG meetings – (or delegate to scribe)
Liaise with the FG Chairperson and keep informed of progress or any issues/concerns
Seek guidance/support of FG Chairperson
Report findings and proposals to FG Chairperson and Steering Committee

Role of Team Chairpersons
Has overall responsibility for Focus Area
Keeps Steering Committee informed of FG progress

Acts as the key liaison to the FG
Acts as mentor/support/advisor to FG Leader
Attends the FG meetings (in support role)
Escalates any concerns/issues to Steering Committee Chairperson
Ensures overall progress of FG is on track

Activity/Target Completion Date
Complete review and refinement Week of March 23rd 
Present to Executive (all Clubs) Week of March 23rd 
Submit to Publishers End March
Receive published plan April 10th 
Official Launch of Plan (all invited) Mid- April
Note: These timelines may change due to any unforeseen delays

Plan Implementation
"The most brilliant plan is worthless, unless it can be implemented"
Resources – willing and enthusiastic – will be needed if we are to be successful
The Club will be seeking your future support and skills to assist in making the plan a reality

Midleton Hurling & Football, Juvenile , Ladies Football and Camogie Clubs would sincerely like to thank all the people who contributed to these very successful Workshops.
We very much appreciated your input in to our new Development Plan. We know that you have a number of demands on your time right now so the fact that you took as much time as you did to guide us and contribute is even more welcome and appreciated.
We will be sure to liaise with you when the plan is complete and an invitation to the Launch will be issued to you in due course. The Club will be seeking your future support and skills to assist in making this plan a reality.
Magpies Abu.....................


PowerPoint 1 can be downloaded Here

PowerPoint 2 can be downloaded Here




Midleton GAA Development Plan Meeting

30 January, 2015

Last night a great crowd of almost 120 people attended the Development Plan Open night for the combined Hurling/Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Clubs.

It was great to see so many Non members in attendance along with representations from the Juvenile and Ladies Clubs.


The Forum on the night was facilitated very efficently by Michael Byrne (County Board Development Officer), Jim Hanley (County Board Facilitator) and Mark Walsh (Chairman of the Club Steering Committee).

The area's which were discussed on the night were:

Coaching and Games Development
Club Structures and Administration
Communications, Public Relations and Club Culture
Club Facilities Development
Finance and Fundraising

All ideas and input were recorded on the night and will be used by one of our 5 Focus Groups (one for each of the key areas above) over the coming weeks to further develop the Club Plan.

The officers of the participating Clubs and the Steering Committee would like to sincerly thank everyone who contributed on the night, it's very much appreciated and hopefully it will result in a structured positive plan for the Club going forward over the next 5 years. 






Under the guidance of Pavilion Chairman Alan Donegan the decoration of the Lounge is almost complete with carpets and furniture being replaced and the walls now painted. Over the coming weeks the seating will be completed with bar stools and chairs waiting to be covered, to finish off a fantastic makeover.
If you would like to book the lounge for any event please contact Alan.


€25,000 Sports Capital Programme grant for St. Colman’s Community College & Midleton GAA.


Pictured are Gerry Kelly (Principal, St Colman’s), Cormac Quirke (Chairman Midleton Juvenile GAA),
Noel Furlong (PE teacher St Colman’s) & Liam Ryan (Chairman Midleton GAA club).

St Colman’s Community College in partnership with Midleton GAA are delighted to have successfully secured a grant of €25, 000.00 through the Sports Capital Programme. Both parties have a great long standing relationship which is set to continue into the future, highlighted by a recently signed 15 year agreement for Midleton GAA to use St. Colman’s GAA pitch facilities. This agreement will continue St. Colman’s vision of serving the wider community while also assisting Midleton GAA to provide top class facilities to cater for its growing juvenile sector. St. Colman’s & Midleton GAA are both working hard to actively promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles within the community. Through initiatives like the Sports Capital Programme it will allow us to improve facilities even further to the benefit of both parties. 


Development Works

Maintenance Works in Club

Further to a number of Pavilion Committee meetings over the last few months it has been decided that some essential maintenance and upkeep of the club buildings needs to be carried out immediately. It was agreed that that the following area's require attention;
Upgrade of the main Electrical distribution board, to move the ESB meters to an external location and feed the building with a new cable, upgrade the external lighting of the building, carry out strategic new cable runs to allow for further expansion and redevelopment, Upgrade the hall heating system and change it over to Nat Gas, make provision for Nat gas to service the southern side of the building, make essential changes to the cold water storage (tank on roof ), convert old ESB meter location into a club office, look at our energy costs and make changes on the type of fittings and energy use to make things more cost effective.
All of the above works come on the back of the New development which was a very successful project and is very energy efficient, the work involves an overlapping of the "old" with the "new" to future proof the whole building.
The Club executive would like to apologise to our members and supporters for any inconvenience caused by these works which will be carried out over the next number of weeks. Please take caution in all area's of the Club.

St Colman's Community College Field

With the kind permission and co operation of School Principal Mr. Gerry Kelly and teacher Noel Furlong we have carried out Verti draining and Sanding the field in the past few days, this will imrpove the playing surface on the field greatly.   
Other recent works included the cleaning/clearing up of the general area, the car park area was cleared and blinding was put down, netting was put up behind the goals at the St Marys end and a 40ft container has now been put in place to act as dressing rooms and a store. Many thanks to all our club members and supporters who assisted with these works. 
The execuitve of the club has invested quite a lot of finance in preparing this facilty and hopes it will be utilised for matches and training immediately. Bookings can be made on the Club notice board at the GAA Club.


Club Gym
Gym membership for 2014 is available in conjunction with club membership. The fee for full membership for 2014 is €150 and €100 for students and unwaged. These prices include full club membership.  Once full payment is made you can start using the gym as soon as you complete the induction course run by Paudie O'Keeffe.  Only FULLY paid up members will be issued with fobs to access the gym.
For further information or to apply for club and Gym membership; please contact Terence McCarthy on 086 6013228.

Pavilion Bookings
Our club facilitys which include 2 Meeting rooms, Bar, Lounge, Kitchen and Large Hall are all available for hire, for enquirys please call 021/4631933 or Alan Donegan @ 086 3077402. 



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