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Strictly Midleton GAA




Midleton Gaa, Ladies Football and Camogie Clubs would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported them in their recent Fundraising Event. It was a massive undertaking which started back in February. To the Committee who have worked so hard behind the scenes to ensure the Event was as successful as it was; Chairman Willie O Connell, Noel Bransfield, Lynda Quirke, Mary Quinn, Carol Franklin, Carol O Leary, Kay Barry, Darina Foley and Tracy Saunderson.  To our MC on the night MC Fanta (Mark O’Sullivan). Thank you for all your help and for entertaining the Audience on the night. To our Fabulous Judges; Terrance McCarthy, Billie Jean, Rob Heffernan and Natasha Maher. You gave such positive feedback to all the dancers and ensured their efforts were praised.  To the Radisson Hotel. Thank You for your help in running the Event. Anything we asked for we received. To the Midleton Park Hotel and Midleton Rugby Club for allowing our Dancers some valuable practice times at your venues. To the following who provided spot prizes on the night; Midleton Park Hotel, Hydes Children’s Wear, Ramen, The Army Surplus Store and to Kathy Smyth for donating  a beautiful piece of Jewellery. 

To our Lead Sponsor Oaklodge Nursing Home and to our Main Sponsors Tecomet and JCD Commerical Developers.

To the following Business who provided and ad for the Event Programme on the night. We are very grateful to them and would hope that they would be supported by the Community :


The Jameson Experience, Cronin Wall Properties, Independent Engineering Services, Bam, Dakota, DNR Homes, Catherine Coleman Solicitors, Jungle World, Ferriter &Co Accountants, Main Street Dental Care-Brady, Kennedy and Prenter, Brosnans Pharmacy, Hickey Commerical Parts, The Gaelic Bar and Bramley Lodge, O’Farrells Auctioneers and Funeral Directors, Bank of Ireland, AIB, Ina McCarthy Flowers, An Teach Beag, Photo Booth Fun Cork, Linehans Pub, Split Ends Hair and Beauty, Alfaparf Milano, Lynch Tile Centre, John O Regan Tyres, Lee Travel, Aidan Barry Painting Services, Wallis’ Bar, Caulfield Industrial, East Cork Oil, Redwood Power Tools, Blackwater Motors, Abernethys, Garryvoe Hotel, Acorn Insurance, Advanced Beauty, LAYA, An Rothar, Water Rock Golf Club, Niall Macs, Jackos Bar, O’Neills Bar, JJ Coppingers, ARACHAS Insurance, Siobhans On the Mall, KLA Shipping, Hydes Stoneworks and Memorials, Frank Houlihan and Associates Accountants, OD Fire Safety, Millwheel Bar and Bistro, Midleton Motors, Aesseal, The Farmgate , The Maple, Iona Dental Surgery, Midleton RFC, Patrick O Shea and Co Solicitors, The Laundry Locker, Owennacurra Pharmacy, Corabbey Dental and Orthodontics, O’Driscoll Kitchens, Lollipop Kids, Hurleys SuperValu, Bernard Wilkie Jewellers, Karen Krafts, Home and Away Real Estate, James A Sheridan and Co Solicitors, HSS Hire, Compact Storage Solutions, Pat Walsh Paints, Donal O Brien Building, Polarictech, AMAC, Horgan Carroll Architects, Liam O Keeffe Car Accessories, Fitzgerald Commericals, McCarthy and McGrath Auctioneers, Trabolgan, Kearys Hyundai Cork, Ulster Bank, Murphys Pharmacy, Dairymaid, General Electronic Alarms Ltd, Jim Crowley, Wyley McGrath Optiicians, Noel and Pat Howard, Power Aggregates, 20 20 Window Glazing, Dwane Sliotars, Market Green, East Cork Golf Club, Midleton Skip Hire, Hegarty Properties, CEA Engineers and Architects, Mark Hennessy Plastering and Roofing Contractor, Jack Feehely, RDC Construction, McDonalds, Midleton College Trading Company,C&M Building Contractors, John Sloane Hurley Marker,, Discover Travel, Bridgefield Buggies Ltd, Kyran Deane Painter and Decorator, Alan McGee Solicitors, O’Farrell Master Butchers, Ken Murray Solicitors, Pakie O Mahony Carpentry and Joinery, DAP Construction, Kevin O Keeffe TD, Slimming World Midleton Gaa, Moloney Pianos, John Cooney Painter, David Keane Property Services, Brendan Foley Painter and Decorator, Walsh Carpets Flooring and Blinds, Colemans Footwear, SHOOZ, Scarlett, Pat Buckley TD, Muckley Bros Jewellers, David Stanton TD, Sean Sherlock TD, Cambell Machinery Ltd.


There are still Official Programmes from the night available to buy. You can pick up a copy from the Club Bar for €5. 

To Andrew Foley who took amazing photos on ther night.

To Dena Cierna, Czarina Roche and Elaine Cunningham of Split Ends Hair Salon for doing our Dancers Hair and to Catherine Tabb of Advanced Beauty and Eva Morris for doing their Make Up.

To everyone who supported our Dancers in the many Fundraising Events that were held. Your support was gratefully received by both the dancers and Committee.

Finally to our Dancers. This Event could not have taken place without you. Your dedication, commitment and patience is a credit to each and every one of you. You all gave 100% to this Event. From the many fundraising events that took place, to the filming of the video clips. There was not a week that went by when there was something asked of ye all. The Committee were extremely lucky to have such a wonderful group to work with and we would like to Thank You very Sincerely from us all. To all your Families. For allowing the Dancers to give up so much time to the Event. You now have them back !

Dance Couples:

Mary O’Farrell and Con Walsh

Theresa Keniry Roche and Christopher Dunlea

Deirdre Dennegan and Chris O’Doherty

Jerry Wallace

Orlagh Farmer and Darren Quirke

Susan Fitzgerald and Pat Hayes

Nicola Shanahan and Pat O’Farrell

Colette Crotty and Luke Dineen

Ann O ‘Meara and Alex Aherne

Marie Magan and John O’Connell

Laura Walsh and Colin O’Riordan

Majella Tyrell and Pat Kelly

Elaine Hennessy and Cristoir O Cathasaigh

Ann Lehane and Donal Keohane

Caroline Butler and Michael Boc Walsh


Committee Members:

Willie O Connell, Noel Bransfield, Mary Quinn, Lynda Quirke, Carol Franklin, Carol O Leary,

Tracy Saunderson, Darina Foley, Kay Barry                                                     


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